Tuesday, December 18, 2007

have a good laugh!

Funny Christmas Stories

a) Reindeer's Story at Christmas

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.

Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.

We should have known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

(Names of the other Reindeer:In addition to Rudolph, Santa has nine more reindeer who haul the sleigh the other reindeer are called: Dasher

, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner.)

b) Father Christmas Calls

Alex was five; all his Christmas presents were always signed, 'from Father Christmas.'

A little while after Alex had opened all his presents on Christmas morning, we became aware that he was looking quite down in the mouth for no obvious reason.

'What's the matter, Al?' I asked.

'Ummmm, 'replied Alex slowly, 'I really hoped that you and Mummy would give me something for Christmas.'

c) Six Legged Turkey - Funny Christmas Story

An industrious turkey farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey. His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get together.'

Well I finally did it! I bred a turkey that has 6 legs!'
They all asked the farmer how it tasted. 'I don't know, 'said the farmer, 'I never could catch it!'

d) Christmas Spirit

It was just before Christmas and the magistrate was in a happy mood. He asked the prisoner who was in the dock, 'What are you charged with?'

The prisoner replied, 'Doing my Christmas shopping too early.'

'That's no crime', said the magistrate. 'Just how early were you doing this shopping?'

'Before the shop opened', answered the prisoner.

e) Christmas Turkey

It was Christmas Eve in Asda and a woman was anxiously picking over the last few remaining turkeys in the hope of finding a large one.

In desperation she called over a shop assistant and said, 'Excuse me. Do these turkeys get any bigger?'

'No, madam, 'he replied, 'they're all dead.'

Monday, December 17, 2007


The ABC of Moi

1. A is for age:
- 27 years old

2. B is for beer of choice:
- Heineken, Forster, and the mighty red horse hik, hik

3. C is for what you can't wait for right now:
- my baby!!! I just want to pop out and hold my baby love!!

4. D is for your dog's name:
- Rain, but he is in the Philippines

5. E is for essential item you use everyday:
- moisturizer for skin, lips, and face

6 . F is for favorite TV shows at the moment:
- According To Jim, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy

7. G is for favorite online game:
- wooh, i don't have time for this

8 . H is for Home town:
- Basco, Batanes

9 . I is for instruments you play:
- nada

10 . J is for favorite juice:
- anything freshly squeezed

11 . K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
- none I can think of

12 . L is for last food you ate:
- hot choco and milk bread

13 . M is for marriage:
- blissfully wedded for more than a year now

14. N is for your name:
- Rosell "Kero" Pinkihan

15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
- I had one back in grade school. the next will be my delivery date

16. P is for people you can't live
- my wonderful hubby, my family, friends

1 7. Q is for quote:
- Trust yourself. Create the kind of life you will be happy to live with all your life.

18 . R is for Biggest Regret:
- my unhealthy eating habits grrrr. i should eat enough veggies

19. S is for sex:
- love it! yum it!

20. T is for time you woke up today:
- 5:55 a.m.

21 . U is for underwear you have on now:
- yellow

22 . V is for vegetable you love:
- green leafy vegetables

23. W is for worst habit:
- I can be very lazy when i choose to

24 . X is for x-rays you've had:
- once for a sports clinic

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today?
- milk bread

26.Z is for the zodiac sign:
- Aquarius

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Style Notes from A to Zoe

We watched The Tyra Banks Show last night and hubby and I sat for the entire show watching the stylist Rachel Zoe display her expertise. We were supposed to go somewhere but hubby knows how much I love clothes so he insisted we finish the show before going out. And he appreciates Ms. Zoe too because he says she is very humble despite her vast knowledge on the fashion industry and working with some of the most famous celebrities.

Rachel Zoe is a well know celebrity stylist whose clients include Cameron Diaz and Lindsay Lohan. I browsed the net hoping to read excerpts of her book and I found these from Style.com. Read on and I hope you will learn a thing or two about dressing up properly.

Style A to Zoe
: The Art of Fashion, Beauty, & Everything Glamour
Page Count: 179 with side bars by the likes of Michael Kors, Donatella Versace, and Valentino.
Words of Wisdom: "First-class is the w
ay to go."
The overall message: You don't have to be famous to have your own red-carpet moment - you just need the right dress, accessories, hair and make-up."

On Jeans: "I believe jeans can be worn in a mile-long list of scenarios.…I also believe denim should be used, and not abused.…When it comes to a company event, unless it's some hoedown barbecue, opt for a little more than denim out of respect for your employers an
d industry."

On Sunglasses: "Big sunglasses camouflage a late night. They're great when you need to hide…if you're tired, or just not in the mood to be social.…One of my greatest peeves is how many celebs insist on wearing sunglasses as they walk the red carpet at the Oscars or other awards show.…The red carpet is no time to be hiding behind dark glasses—no matter how glaring the sun."

On Underpinnings: "No matter how cute the bra, keep straying straps in place by tightening them or using double-stick tape, just as you would with a dressed-u
p look."

On LBD: "The LittleBlackDress is a perfect option for any cocktail party."

On Packing: "When packing my clients for a trip, I determine and fit much of what we need to glam them up…way in advance. But even then, a backup look (or twenty) might be thrown in at the last minute—particularly extra heels and bags. The entire lot is carefully wrapped and stuffed with tissue paper and shipped by FedEx to its destination."

On Stashing vs Trashing: "Editing is an ongoing
process. Rework a look. Revise your closet or cabinets. Reassemble a room. Don't dress for the sake of a trend. If it doesn't inspire you anymore, toss it out."

Top Tips: "Round bandages are a quick and inexpensive way to cover up those headlights for nipples. Consult your medicine cabinet for other quick fixes. Preparation H is an instant way to dab away the puffiness under the eyes. And a touch of Neosporin at the nostril's edge is a good way to keep germs at bay on flights."

For those Victoria Beckham fans, I also found an excerpts from her book and I posted it on my other blog called Kero's Celebration. You might want to check it out on the label fashion along the sidebar. Thank you for your continued interest.